Teacher Appreciation, Parent Choice Awards, April Minutes, May Meeting

Dear Wallingford Schools Community,

Spring has sprung and it's "Teacher Appreciation Week" all this week.  If you are able to take a brief moment and reach out personally to someone who has positively impacted your educational experience or that of someone you care about, now is a great time to do so.  The simple, kind gesture of saying thank you can be very meaningful, especially during challenging times.

There is also another upcoming opportunity for Wallingford Public School families to recognize individual educators, school staff, administration or other members of the Wallingford Public Schools community through the PTAC Parent Choice Awards for the 2019-2020 school year.  Nominations will be opened from June 1st through June 29th, with nominees to be recognized this coming Fall.  A separate email invitation to electronically nominate with more details on the intent and process will be sent directly to Wallingford Public School families by June 1st.

Finally, the April System-Wide PTAC and Special Education PTAC meetings were successfully held virtually and final System-Wide PTAC meeting of the year is tentatively scheduled to be held virtually on Tuesday, May 19th at 6pm if needed.  As always if you have a question or topic for System-Wide PTAC discussion, please feel free to reach out to your school's PTAC representatives and/or through administration.

For those interested, minutes of the System-Wide PTAC meeting are available here:

Bryan Rivard
System-Wide PTAC Chairperson

Valerie Glynn
System-Wide PTAC Vice-Chairperson