Congratulations to all, for successfully accomplishing what has truly been an extraordinary and inspiring school-year! In the face of unprecedented, challenging and in many ways unfair circumstances, beyond anyone's control, you did it together. And so, upon reflection, we view every small step that was made along the path of every personal journey as a giant leap forward. There is little doubt, this years students, graduates, families, teachers, staff, administration, board and community will rightly be remembered, long in the eyes of history, for what they uniquely achieved and overcame together. Well-done indeed!
Parents, please remember that nominations for the 2019-2020 Parent Choice Awards remain open until June 29th. If you misplaced the June 1st email invitation, here is a direct link to the letter including submission guidelines and the nomination form.
Our final meeting of the year was successfully held virtually in May. Here are the minutes.
And finally, thanks again for all you have done to positively support our Wallingford students. Please stay safe and have a wonderful summer!
Bryan Rivard
System-Wide PTAC Chairperson
Valerie Glynn
System-Wide PTAC Vice-Chairperso