System-wide PTAC Representatives 2015-2016

Thank you to the 15-16 Representatives

PTAC Officers

Chairperson: Tammy Raccio

Vice chairperson: Jonathan Chappell

Secretary: Kate O'Donnell

PTAC Representatives

High Schools

Lyman Hall- Cheryl Wolansky, Jen Humowitz

Mark T. Sheehan- Beth Raccio

Middle Schools

Dag Hammarskjold- Christine Lion,  Jonathan Chappell

James H. Moran- Scott Mowerson

Elementary Schools

Cook Hill/ Parker Farms- Stephanie Cerrato

Highland/ Yalesville- Nicholas Passariello, Peter Angelastro, Bekka Carr

Moses Y. Beach- April Rudman, Melissa Bader

Rock Hill- Chauntel Ebbeka

Pond Hill/ Stevens- Mike Sevigny

Wlfd Education Assoc. & PPS 

WEA Rep- Kate O'Donnell

PPS PTAC rep- Jonathan Chappell