Click here for a print copy of this letter and budget detail: Community Notice and Budget Detail
February 24, 2015
Dear Wallingford Public School Community,
The Wallingford Board of Education approved a budget of $98,382,554 that represents a 4.88% increase in spending for the 2015-16 school year. The increase is made up of both sustained services expenses (what it will cost to the run the district with the same programs as this year) and strategic plan initiatives (such items as full-day kindergarten and expanded preschool opportunities). I have attached a complete list of strategic plan items included in the increase.
Next Steps:
The Board of Education's budget now will be sent to the Mayor for review.
1. On Tuesday, March 10, 2015, the Board of Education will host its annual Town Council Potluck Supper at which time the budget is reviewed with Town Council members.
2. Based on the information provided by the Board of Education and follow-up discussions, on or around April 1, 2015, the Mayor will provide all departments with his budget recommendation for 2015-16.
3. In April, the Town Council will host two meetings at which time the Board of Education will be present to discuss the budget request. One of the two meetings is explicitly set aside for public questions and comments. The dates have not been set for these meetings, but will be communicated with parents when they are available.
4. Tuesday, May 12, 2015, the Town Council votes to approve a 2015-16 budget.
5. In June, the Board of Education votes on any adjustments to the budget necessary to meet the allocation approved by the Town Council.
If you have any questions about the budget or process, please feel free to contact me.
Salvatore F. Menzo, Ed.D.