ECEC Final Report
ECEC Final Report - Spanish
ECEC Financial Implications
On December 8, 2014 the Early Childhood Exploratory
Committee’s report was presented to the BOE.
Shawn Parkhurst, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum presented the
Final Report.
The complete report is available at the first link above. Two highlights noticed by the BOE members are
worth summarizing.
The BOE took notice of the additional curricular
expectations since the State implemented the Common Core in 2010 (chart below
is from page 11 of full report).
Additionally, the Board reviewed the number of Districts in
the State that are transitioning or have transitioned to a Full Day Kindergarten
Program in order to meet the Common Core requirements of students at the end of
Kindergarten. The map below was utilized for this review (map below is from
page 23 of full report).
It was noted the Common Core curricular requirements are no different for ½ day
Kindergarten programs or full day Kindergarten programs.
Dr Menzo presented the Financial Implications of the
recommendations from the Early Childhood Exploratory Committee’s report. The complete report is available at the last link above. His analysis was driven by several factors including predicted
kindergarten census data for next year and the annual reallocation of teachers
based on population shifts. Additionally,
he presented variations of costs for teachers and paraprofessionals using
different class sizes (these have been labeled colors Pink, Salmon, Purple
& Blue). The chart represents the
options reviewed and the highlight represents the option the BOE took consensus
on for budgetary development purposes.
There was much more discussion and the reports highlight
many important issues related to Early Childhood Education in Wallingford. Please take the time to read and review the reports.
Summarized by,
Tammy Raccio
Not a document of the WPS